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Scottsdale Spinal Decompression Center
About our Clinic Director


Dr. Alan Palmer D.C., C.C.S.T. has been in practice locally since 1985. He has earned post-graduate certifications in working with spine injury care and elite athlete care (C.C.S.T., C.E.P.A.). He has been blessed to work with four different professional teams locally caring for their professional athletes since 1996. That currently includes the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Arizona (Phoenix) Coyotes ever since their first year in the Valley. His clientele has included hundreds of elite, professional and Olympic athletes, but he has also cherished providing the same level of quality care for people in his practice from infancy to the elderly. He has developed a reputation of honesty, integrity and professional excellence in our community.

He is a 1985 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, and has been in full time practice for 27 years.  He is an Associate Clinical Faculty Member of several chiropractic colleges. He has also served as a guest instructor, teaching sports nutrition on a post-graduate level.

Dr. Palmer is certified in the treatment of sports and spine injury. He is the founder of a national chiropractic organization called CEPA, the Chiropractic Association for the Care of Elite and Professional Athletes. He is also the founder of the PBCS, The Professional Baseball Chiropractic Society. Dr Palmer instructs chiropractic physicians on the proper protocols for working with teams and the care of elite and professional athletes.

He is a student of health and life, and has studied many of the world’s greatest healing arts and healers.  His practice is on the cutting edge of the latest developments from the world of clinical nutrition, functional diagnostics, natural medicine, and healing.

He has a passion for helping people of all ages and aspires to make a contribution to mankind by helping to educate people about the health transformation that is possible through making wise choices in the areas of diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplementation, and avoidance of factors that slowly rob them of their health and vitality.He enjoys and is available to speak on numerous health and wellness topics both locally and nationally.



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